
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Last minute vacation.

In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been around for a few days.  It was a last minute trip, so I didn't plan any posts while I was gone. It was our anniversary, as well as Mr. Tupelo's birthday, so we took the kids to grandma's and treated ourselves to some piece and quiet. What's your idea of a good, restful vacation?

We rented a lake house on Lake Livingston in East Texas.  East Texas may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it feels like home to both of us, it's close to grandma's, and for whatever reason, it was so quiet the weekend we went.

It may have been because it was a big shopping holiday weekend - Tax Free Weekend here in Texas, in preparation for back to school.  Yeah, I'll save myself the trouble and pay the extra 8.25% any old time to avoid the rush.  Because every extra cent I spend was worth it to see this.  Do you even see any boats?

We spent most of our waking hours fishing on the covered dock, reading books on said dock, and staying up watching bad cable TV shows, just because we could.  There were impromptu naps, lots of snacking, and so much peace and quiet it was fabulous.

I got slightly ambitious one evening and even played with my camera.  Living on the edge, I tell you.

The lone dandelion on the lake, at least in the manicured lawns.

If you could have seen the spider this web belonged to, you might not have ventured in so close.

My impromptu Texas flag shot - dock post with metal star, lake, and sunset sky.  Sure the colors aren't quite in that order.  But I love it.

A sensitive brier flower.  I love these plants - you touch the leaves and they close up automatically.  And the flower itself is just amazing - pink with yellow...such a pretty little puffball.

We caught tons of fish (none really worth keeping, at least not to work to clean).  We saw one massive alligator gar about 4+ feet long...after that I didn't have the desire to swim.  I have a silly fear of fish with teeth, what can I say?

I hope your weekend was equally as restful.  I'll be back on the ball soon...but I sure enjoyed the healing peace.

Don't worry. The kids weren't neglected.  The grandmas' went out of their way to spoil them, and they couldn't have asked for anything more.

If you are looking for a quiet place to stay in the south, especially in Texas - give Lake Livingston a chance.  It's got a different feel to it - no ritzy shopping or restaurants, nothing to do, nowhere to be.  Backwoods at its finest.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a very relaxing vacation. Not many people think to vacation somewhere away from a beach, like in Texas as you did. My family and I were looking for Alabama vacation rentals for next year. We figured we would do one beach vacation, and one volunteering vacation. That's where Alabama comes into play. I think it's going to be a fun summer next year!


Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or ideas to share.