
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Crochet work in progress

Well, with the Olympics on, I just can't break away from the TV long enough to sew.  I"m not big on watching TV normallly - I just don't bother with it.  I need to use my time more efficiently.  But this is a great excuse!  And besides, it's a rare event, so it's excusable.

A friend of ours is due to have a baby in a couple of months, and I told them I wanted to make them a blanket.  Actually, due to a couple of drinks at happy hour, we had an awkward conversation about how I wanted to make them a "baby...(long pause)....blanket".  So now I'm offering to propagate other couples families for them, great!  It made for a good long laugh for everyone, and of course I'm red in the face.  Oh I hate it when my brain is just a wee bit slow.

Anyway, in lieu of making someone else's baby, I started the blanket - here's where it's at now.

It's Lucy's (Attic24) ripple pattern again, with a stripe pattern of my own device.  If you want the width I used, let me know, and I'll post the stitch count.  Anyway, I got a picture of their crib set, and there's only one color missing in this - a light green.  I'd like to incorporate it somehow, but I think it might look awkward.  Any ideas?

Do you have any works in progreses (WIP) to share?

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