
Monday, October 7, 2013

Unplanned break!

So with Mr. A in year-round school, he has a 2 week break every 9 weeks. Which is fabulous in so many ways - time for travel, seeing friends, and getting over school burnout.  What I didn't factor in was time for blogging!

So please excuse me for my unintended absence. I'm sure it'll happen again, knowing me.

During the past two weeks, it's been stay home days, travel to Arkansas and back, stomach bugs, very sick dogs, and cooking.  It's been a very busy time, but very therapeutic after just ending work at the end of August.  It was nice to catch up on things and get a grip on life again.

I am finally (!) getting back a little bit of my pre-pregnancy energy/mojo back.  So I've been crocheting, gardening, shopping, sewing, cooking, and baking as much as my body allows.

Speaking of the pregnancy, we're now just over 20 weeks in, past the half-way point.  We had our big anatomical ultrasound, and everything looks great!  Those scans make me so nervous - I just don't want anything big to be wrong!  I'd tease you about finding out the gender of the baby, and how you don't know...but we don't either!  We decided not to find out this time.  And since I can only come up with girl names (seriously, why are boy names so tough?!), I assume it must be a boy.

The OBGYN's nurse is sure it's a girl, and claims to have a near perfect track record. We'll see about that.  I bet her a fancy cupcake she's wrong. :)

In other news, I now have Mr. C home with me full time.  I can't afford to send him to school without me working, so we're going to be hanging out together a lot more.  What this means for the blog is some inconsistent blogging and projects - but I'll be here.  And hopefully with something to show for it soon!

Sorry for no pictures to share - too busy to think about them!

Oh - one last thing! If you somehow haven't heard yet, there's a fabulous pattern sale going on - the 2013 Sew Fab pattern sale.  I say fabulous because it's a great deal if you sew for kids. And perfect for Christmas sewing ideas!  It's 26 patterns for just under $30!  If you are contemplating sewing, this is a great way to get some patterns in your collection.

You can find them at many blogging sites, here's one.

The patterns are on sale only through tomorrow, so don't miss out!  I got mine and finally downloaded all the patterns today. I'm super excited about quite a few of them.



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