
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Glitter Spray Paint!!!

Did you know you can buy glitter spray paint?!?  I found some on clearance at the hardware store a month or so back, and immediately and with reckless abandon threw it in the cart.  Surely I can think of uses for glitter spray paint, I thought.  Who even needs to think of uses?  Everything can use a coat!

Here's the stuff:

Krylon Glitter Blast Glitter Spray -- this color is Diamond Dust - pretty iridescent glitter in a clear coat.

I really have been bummed and out of it since the serger debacle.  Felt like my creative fire was dampened by the disappointment of a broken gadget. My life hasn't been the same.  (No one ever said I wasn't overly dramatic sometimes.) Seriously though, creative life right now is BS - Before Serger and AS - After Serger.  Take that as you will.

Needing to do something, I grabbed the spray paint and anything in sight, and ran outside and went to work.  Here's what I got:

A cheap pair (and cheap looking) of red peep toes.  A clearance Ikea lantern.

I just went to work on them immediately.  I didn't protect the grass.  My thinking was that my grass needed more glitter in it anyway.  I didn't tape any parts of anything.  I wanted results, and I wanted them now.

Note - I realize spray paint is flammable.  I use battery operated candles in the lantern - I have 2 dogs, a cat, and 2 preschoolers. I can't keep fire around here.

Here's the 5 minutes post-spraying pics:

You can see the paint hasn't totally dried - but look how much glitter is in there!

And here's the red shoes - if you have cheap shoes, and aren't afraid to make them look cheaper, just glitter them up - can't hurt, right?

Look how pretty they turned out!

Some new life to my old shoes. Glitter makes me happy.

I totally recommend this stuff for instant gratification.  I may have also attacked a friendly bystander:

 To be fair, he was sleeping.  You snooze you lose.  And any garden gnome becomes instantly girlier and more fun with a coat of glitter.

Can you see that sly little smile in his sleep?  I think he likes the glitter.

What would you spray paint?  Because I still have plenty of paint!


  1. This could be dangerous because I LOVE glitter--my husband is not going to be happy ;) What happened to the serger?!

  2. OH, Lucy 1 and Lucy 2 bit the dust and were returned. New serger is waiting to be bought - trying this new thing of getting the money first and THEN buying the thing. Weird, huh? Anyway, I have it all picked out - Mr. Tupelo approved a fancy one - the Viking Huskylock s21 -

    So I'm waiting to get my funds together. And I just might buy in cash. Just for fun. :)


Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or ideas to share.