
Friday, September 21, 2012

Re-purposing project ! The Medic Bag

Do you ever save things just knowing you'll find a use for them one day? Well I finally figured one out.

Happy Friday!

(((I took a quick break yesterday and took the boys hiking after school. Yes my hip is still injured. But it was a beautiful day and I was feeling caged in. So we went to Pedernales Falls State Park and played in the water and on the rocks. Saw some really cool stuff too.)))

But on the crafting front, I wanted to share with you a project I made for my son.

Can you guess what it's made of?  The "packaging" from my last set of sheets!

Let me set up the story for you -

I really don't like to spend a lot of money on sheets. And I hate buying sheets. You have to live with them for awhile, so if you don't like them, too bad. I can't afford to buy new sheets all the time just because I don't like them. So I finally settled on some I really like from Target. On sale, the price is reasonable, and they are well made and nice looking sheets.

The weird thing for me, with most sheets I've bought there, is they come in a matching fabric package.  It looks really nice and makes it easy to compare sheets on the shelves, but when you get it home, you have a random velcro rectangle.  There's no way when I refold my sheets they'll fit back in that. Sorry, maybe some of you can, but I don't have that kind of patience.

Anyway, I've always saved the 'packages', because the fabric was too nice to ditch, plus there was at least some salvageable velcro on them.

BUT SURELY YOU CAN MAKE THINGS WITH THEM!?! (I don't have a problem, really. I can throw things away. Really, I can)

Well, then my oldest went through a Doctor phase. And insisted on carrying around a construction paper doctor bag, which barely stayed together because of all the love it had received.

The Re-Purposed Doctor Bag was born. 90% of the work is done for you already!

It all came together one day. I had matching fabric in my stash (yeah, I probably can match anything in that stash...) and made a medical cross with it, and zig zag stitched it on.

I sewed on a pair of D rings (from my stash...) and attached a twill ribbon strap through it. Yeah, my stitching is bad. I was doing a kid project for a kid standing by my sewing machine. So sue me. :) He didn't even let me trim the threads. Hmm, maybe I should have told you he did it. Then it would be impressive. :)

What next? Filled it with medical type goodies -

and it promptly went into Octonauts medic play. Wherein I got wrapped with bandages and have Bandaids stuck on me still. Oh well!

I'm so glad I found a use for these things - I couldn't bear to ditch them. I'm a hoarder. It's not in my nature. :)

Do you have a project made with these things? I'd love to see it!

I hope you all have a great weekend! If it's getting fall like for you, I have a recipe for Ratatouille I'll be sharing soon, and a couple of new WIP (works in progress) for you. I've been busy, though you can't always tell through my blog posts. I don't like to post too many unfinished things anymore, in case I don't get around to finishing them.

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